Tuesday, May 3, 2011


finals week is finally here. it's probably the only week i dread and look forward to at the same time. it is by far the most draining week of the semester and the stress of packing up an apartment only adds to it. but the end is so close, i can't help but be happy. knowing that summer is only 2 days away just has to make you happy.
here are my thoughts on finals week:
-i've never seen a library look like this. there are people everywhere, all studying or writing. not talking to each other. but everyone looks beyond drained.
-the weather is warm. hot actually. so the pool is full. but nearly everyone is studying while they're sitting outside. 
-people are up early (if they even sleep) to keep working.
-the only way you can make it through finals week is by giving yourself sanity breaks. to blog. shop online. skype a friend in paris. get frozen yogurt for lunch and dinner in the same day. whatever it takes.

its just one of those weeks i have take day by day. or question by question. because thinking about the next final, or how everything is going to fit into our storage unit will overwhelm me so much that i won't be able to finish what is actually in front of me. 

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