Friday, May 13, 2011

some summer days.

i've been waiting for this post for days. the one that gets to say that it's summer time! and i'm at home, my friends are slowly (veryyy slowly) making their way home, and i have nothing to do with my life but lie by the pool, go on leisurely walks and eat endless amounts of golden spoon.

which is all true. so, so true. i mean, my brunch this morning (at noon) was golden spoon.

however.. (ha. i always have a however, don't i?) it just hasn't felt like summer yet, and so i haven't made my summer post even though it's been over a week. 
maybe it's because i'm not unpacked from school yet. i still have tubs of blankets, bags of sweaters, and boxes of shoes that have hardly been touched. 
maybe it's because every time i come home from school for an extended period of time, it feels more and more difficult to get back into the groove of irvine life. i'm so used to just taking care of myself and being responsible for myself that it's a little strange to have dinner dates i can count on every night (with my family, of course).
maybe it's because elise is visiting and so there is still a little apu with me.
maybe it's because the thought of not having homework or papers for four months seems completely unfathomable. 
maybe it's because my "home friends" are taking their sweet time coming home. or they're on choir tour, which makes them equally inaccessible. and home without them is just a little bit less like home.
or maybe it's just because the weather is being ridiculous. 

whatever the reason is, i'm praying it will go away soon because i'm ready for summer! 

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